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Old world diet -

20-12-2016 à 14:50:07
Old world diet
The nopal or prickly pear ( Opuntia spp. Several species are cultivated, including three globally important food crops. Stonefruit, Hesperidium (Citrus), Epigynous, etc probably existed in some form in paleo times and therefore the modern equivalents (although not the same as the paleo ancestors) are more suited to our biology. All three were brought from the New World to the Far East in the late 16th or early 17th centuries by two routes and two nations: by the Portuguese westward around the Cape of Good Hope and, after 1575, by the Spanish from Acapulco via Manila. Nightshades are all part of the genus Solanum and therefore can all be treated the same biologically. Nineteenth-century travelers in India remarked that the custard apple grew wild, abundantly, in the jungles of the Deccan. If someone believes that old world foods are more suitable for our bodies, you should respect that while you are here. In Mexico, the plant had many more uses, and the leaves, stripped of their thorns, are still eaten today in several forms. But the leaves of the papaya tree do not seem to be used for this purpose in the Far East: Transplantation to a new environment in this case involved the loss of essential information about the species. Even researchers are not agreeing on how much our characteristics have changed a a result of living in different regions and interbreeding with species like the Neandertal, so it may well be that you thrive on different foods depending on where you come from. Nightshades have been associated with things like arthritis, which seems to indicate that our bodies not really have evolved to eat them. I personally have a long history of problem with eating citrus fruits and their juices, most likely because of their high glycemic load. In the 16th and 17th centuries a number of American plants were thoroughly acclimatized in India and elsewhere in the Far and Middle East. It brought one of its indigenous names with it: Except in Spanish, English, and Italian, the pineapple is the ananas - or some recognizable version of this word -in European as well as in Asian languages, including in Arabic.

The leaves contain an enzyme called papain, which acts very like the digestive juices of the stomach, and is an ingredient of commercial meat tenderizers. Custard apples and sweetsops grow in the Philippines, Malaysia and China as well as India. Quote from: Wikipedia In particular the green parts (including unripe fruit) are often poisonous to humans, though not necessarily to other animals. Then old world foods seems better for people of European descent. By what route did they come, and to which ports. You mention yourself that uor ancestors ate what was available LOCALLY. The papaya is now so at home in the Far East that it requires an effort to remember that it originally came from the West, not the East, Indies. The papaya is another New World plant that found its way to the Far East very early. ) is used in North Africa, Andalusia and India mainly as hedging, although the fruit, the Barbary fig, is eaten. But who brought the custard apple, the guava and the cashew tree. There are more of these examples to go with. In the Caribbean and Central America, one of the Amerindian uses of the papaya tree had been as a meat tenderizer. The argument put forward by people like me is that nightshades were not consumed by paleo man and therefore we are not evolved to safely consume them. Another example of lost information is the prickly poppy, Argemone mexicana: Although considered a weed in India, it was cultivated in pre-Columbian Mexico as an important source of medicinal drugs. But many bear edible fruits, leaves, or tubers.

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